Hello, World!
So you’ve landed on my blog. Whether by chance or on purpose, I hope you will find some useful information in here.
I am no hotshot executive who’s left her career behind to go explore the world and gets paid for it. Of course, I secretly wish I were, being the natural wanderer that I am (read on more in About Penny.)
I know travel and food blogs are no novelty on this worldwide web of ours. Some people might even want to be sick at the idea of another foodie-exploring-the-world/look-at-this-new-coffee-place hipster kind of blogger. Just the word blogger can sound unpleasant to your ear, I’ll grant you that. But then I thought, why not. Authors have been writing books for centuries and will (hopefully) continue to do so for many more. I have read dozens of books that were similar in style and narrative, yet I enjoyed most and will carry on reading more.
You will find tips on where to stay and what to do, where to eat and what to expect. You will see pictures to help you get a sense of the sights that charmed my heart. Ultimately, I want to share the immense joy I get from travelling, from discovering new places and from tasting wonderful flavours, on my own or with other lovely human beings. These places can be six thousand miles away, or they can happen to be a few blocks from where I live. (At the moment, home is the up-and-coming Verdun, on the island of Montreal; it’s a great place and you’ll hear about it in this blog!). If I can inspire one person to venture out into the unknown, yay for me – and for them! If only some friends and my family become my loyal followers, so be it.
**Disclaimer!** Please note that all views in this blog come from my own experiences unless specified otherwise. Any resources or information I share, I research extensively in order to ensure its reliability and accuracy. However, I simply cannot always guarantee it. If you find yourself reading something that you believe is inaccurate, please don’t hesitate to share it with me!